About Membership

Membership of Hawkesbury District Agricultural Association is available to all persons aged 18 years and over, subject to proposal by one financial member of the Association to whom the applicant is personally known, and formal approval by the General Committee. Subscription fees are listed on the application form. The HDAA membership year commences in July. The AGM is held in September

Hawkesbury Show


How to apply for Membership

Application forms can be obtained on request by email to , click here to download the form or by telephoning 02 4577 3591. To avoid disappointment, please note the CLOSING date for applications stated on the top of the form.

Categories of membership are:
LIFE MEMBER - 1 Life Membership badge is issued on approval. 1 guest ticket, junior tickets for school children of the member aged from 5 to 18 years (under 5 - free) and 1 car pass are issued annually.

FAMILY MEMBER - $84.00 - 1 member's ticket, 1 guest ticket, junior tickets for school children of the member, under 5 - free) and 1 car pass are issued annually.

SINGLE MEMBER - $42.00 - 1 member's ticket and 1 car pass are issued annually. Junior tickets can be purchased for school children (under 5 - free).

JUNIOR TICKET - $17.00 - Issued in conjunction with a Single Membership for children.

All members are entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting, held in September, and at any Special General Meeting of the Association, and may accept nomination for election to any vacant position on the Committee